RBA Membership Dues
Currently Membership Dues have been set at $20.00 per year for both Individuals and Families.
The membership year begins in January and will continue for the term of one year. Dues must be paid by all members within 30 days following the end of the term of membership to continue as a member. Membership Dues aid the RBA to expand reach others within the community through the use of correspondence with potential members, advertising, public displays and demonstrations. Membership Dues will also be used to enhance membership benefits through the purchase of related tools and educational material.
Prorated Dues & Reinstatement of Membership
The first year may be prorated for new members joining later than January.
EXAMPLE: If a person is removed from the roll as an active member in January and then pays their dues in July, the person is returned to active status from the date the Treasurer receives the payment until December of that same year.