Reelfoot Beekeepers’ Association

Constitution and Bylaws

ARTICLE 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be: REELFOOT BEEKEEPER’S ASSOCIATION

ARTICLE 2 – Objectives

The objectives of the Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association {RBA) shall be:

  1. To maintain an effective organization of beekeepers and those interested in beekeeping.
  2. To identify issues of interest to beekeepers and to address those issues, especially those issues which affect beekeepers in the Reelfoot Lake Area of Tennessee.
  3. To encourage better methods among the beekeepers of the county, state and nation, in promoting cooperation in reaching a common understanding regarding our problems and their solutions.
  4. To maintain cooperative relationships with others in the U.S. and other countries who are working to better the beekeeping industry and to assure adequate populations of honeybees in counties surrounding Reelfoot Lake.
  5. To inform and educate the public of the importance of honeybees in the production of fruits, vegetables, and seeds and hive products-
  6. To better the beekeeping industry and to develop markets for beekeeping products in the Reelfoot Lake area.
  7. To foster among members in the RBA such things as will tend to improve purposes for its members and the general public relating to honey bees and the beekeeping industry.
  8. To encourage and teach youth in the art of beekeeping.

ARTICLE 3 – Members

Section 1- Membership:  Any person interested in beekeeping and the beekeeping industry may become an active member of the RBA upon payment of the regular annual dues.

Section 2 – Membership Privileges:  All active members will receive a Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association membership card and gain the following privileges:

  • Eligibility to vote on decisions affecting the RBA
  • Inclusion on the RBA mailing list
  • Receive the RBA quarterly newsletters and other correspondence
  • Eligibility for discounted RBA apparel and other merchandise
  • Receive free admission to RBA sponsored events
  • Eligibility to occupy Executive Committee positions
  • Access to any equipment owned by the RBA.
  • Inclusion on the RBA swarm and cut-out call list

ARTICLE 4 – Dues

Section 1 – Explanation:  Dues will be used to expand the RBA within the public through the use of correspondence with potential members, advertising, public displays and demonstrations.  Dues will also be used to enhance membership benefits through the purchase of related tools and educational material.

Section 2 – Term: The membership year begins in January and will continue for the term that each member has selected and paid (12 months, 24 months, or 36 months). Dues must be paid by all members within 30 days following the end of the term of membership to ensure continuous service.

Dues paid prior to expiration of membership will extend the current term for the appropriate number of months.

Section 3 – Discounts: The membership fee shall be set with an annual base rate that is discounted 20%, and then rounded to the nearest ten for each additional prepaid year up to 10 years.

EXAMPLE: lf the annual membership dues are $12, two years of membership costs $20.00.

Three years would cost $30.00

Section 4 – Prorated Dues: The first year may be prorated for new members joining later than January.

Prorated membership fees shall not be less than half the price for a full of the year.

EXAMPLE: lf the annual membership dues are $12 per year, a new member joining in March would pay prorated dues of $10. The dues for a new member joining in August would be in the amount of $6.

Section 5 – Unpaid Dues: A person who has been dropped from the roll of membership for nonpayment of dues, may be restored to active membership by paying the current amount of dues and membership will begin when the Treasurer receives that payment. Failure to keep membership current with the RBA or TBA will result in termination of any elected positions held.

EXAMPLE: If a person is removed from the roll as an active member in January and then pays their dues in July, the person is returned to active status from the date the Treasurer receives the payment until December of that same year.

Section 6 – Modification of Dues: Any change in the annual dues for the RBA will be recommended by the Executive Committee and shall be approved by the RBA members. The results will become effective the first day of the next membership year. Dues will be for the membership year in which they are paid. Prepaid dues will not be affected.

ARTICLE 5 – Meetings

Section 1 – Monthly Meetings: In order to fulfill the objectives of the RBA most meetings are scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month.

Section 2 – Special Meetings: Meetings or activities occurring other than the third Tuesday of each month shall be posted on the yearly calendar and announced during a regularly scheduled monthly meeting by an Executive Committee.

Section 3 – Executive Committee Meetings: Meetings of the Executive Committee will be called by the Executive Chairman or at the request of two (2) Executive Officers. Notice of such meeting will be given at least five (5) days in advance and will state the purpose of the meeting. Only those purposes identified in the notice may be addressed in the Executive Committee meetings.

ARTICLE 6 – Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association shall be: Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Directors.

All Executive Officers shall be elected bi-annually (even numbered years) at the November meeting in accordance with the definitions of quorum and majority vote. They will hold office for two years. In the case of a vacancy, the Executive Chairman and the Executive Committee may appoint a Director to serve during the remainder of the term.

Persons wishing to serve as a Director are required to be a current member of both the Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association and the Tennessee Beekeeper’s Association. No person shall be elected for any office without consenting to be nominated.

Section 1- Executive Chairman: The Executive Chairman will preside at all meetings of the Association using regular parliamentary procedures. This officer will appoint special committees as are deemed necessary and perform such other duties as the RBA may direct. The Executive Chairman shall be authorized to make deposits and disburse monies should the Treasurer be unable to perform these duties. At the end of the Executive Chairman’s term of office, the Executive Chairman shall direct that such authorization is removed from RBA accounts.

Section 2 – Executive Vice-Chairman:  It will be the duty of the Executive Vice-Chairman to perform the duties of the Executive Chairman in his absence, or upon the Executive Chairman’s request. lf the Executive Vice-Chairman is unable to perform this duty in the absence of the Executive Chairman, then the Executive Vice-Chairman may appoint any member of the Executive Committee to act in his or her stead.

The Executive Vice-Chairman is also authorized to make deposits and disburse monies if the Treasurer is unable to perform these duties. He will have all records and books audited and will deliver them to his or her successor, including papers, monies, and any other related property of the RBA.

Section 3 – Secretary: The secretary will keep the minutes of all meetings of the RBA, the Executive Committee and notify all committees of their appointments. The secretary will have charge of all papers and documents of the RBA with the exception of bank records.

This officer will serve as an official liaison between the RBA and those other agencies, including all levels of government agencies, business concerns and the various associations and groups whose actions or interests may coincide with the interests and activities of the RBA as deemed by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all regular meetings and make those minutes available to all members either via printed hardcopy or an e-mail. Minutes of a regular meeting shall be approved by the membership at the next monthly meeting. The secretary shall keep minutes of the Executive Committee meetings. The secretary shall conduct such correspondence as may be necessary and shall transact such other business as the RBA may direct.

At the end of the term of office, all records, papers and property of the Association in possession of the Secretary shall be delivered to the successor.

Section 4 – Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect the annual dues from the members and notify any members after January 20th of each year who is delinquent in payment of dues. The Treasurer will collect the annual dues and be the custodian of all monies received by the RBA, and keep full and accurate books showing receipts and disbursements of all monies. If necessary the treasurer will file any necessary information to the Internal Revenue Service and the appropriate State of Tennessee departments.

The Treasurer shall see that the Executive Chairman and Executive Vice-Chairman are authorized to make deposits and disburse money relevant to the financial business of the RBA in the absence of the Treasurer.

Treasurer shall close the books and present all records to the Auditing Committee for auditing before the January meeting each year so that a report may be given to the membership. The Treasurer will make an annual membership and financial report to be presented at the Annual Meeting. The Executive Vice-Chairman will be designated as the person who is also authorized to make deposits and disburse monies if the Treasurer is unable to perform these duties. He will have all records and books audited and will deliver them to his or her successor, including papers, monies, and any other related property of the RBA.

At the end of the term of office, the Treasurer shall have the records and books audited by the Audit

Committee and shall deliver to the successor the audited records, monies, account information, papers and any other property of the RBA. The outgoing Treasurer shall be removed from the RBA accounts at this time and replaced by the incoming Treasurer.

ARTICLE 7 – Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will consist of the Executive Committee and all duly elected Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing body of the RBA and, as such, is empowered to conduct the business of the RBA (i.e., revise annual dues based on budget needs) with the exception of that business that may be transacted only by the RBA general membership. Each director will present any and all matters to the Board of Directors for their consideration and action. This directive does not limit the inherent right of any voting member of the RBA to bring matters forward to the Board of Directors.

Directors shall be elected bi-annually (even numbered years) at the November meeting in accordance with the definitions of quorum and majority vote. They will hold office for two years. In the case of a vacancy, the Executive Chairman and the Executive Committee may appoint a Director to serve during the remainder of the term.

ARTICLE 8 – Appointed Positions

Section 1 – Asset Manager: A member may be appointed by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee to store, maintain and keep a record of the equipment and colonies of honey bees owned by the RBA. This position shall be held for two years or until the Asset Manager resigns, steps down from the Board of Directors or gives up membership in the RBA.

The Asset Manager shall make recommendations regarding equipment needs and give frequent reports on the status and location of any equipment and/or colonies of honey bees owned by the RBA. The Asset Manager must be an individual having at least two years of beekeeping experience. A new Asset Manager, if necessary may be appointed at any time by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 2 – Historian: A member may be appointed by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee to keep track of historical records, photographs, scrapbooks and items of interest to the RBA. These items shall be made available at appropriate RBA functions. This position will be held until the Historian This position shall be held for two years or until the Asset Manager resigns, steps down from the Board of Directors or gives up membership in the RBA. A new Historian, if necessary may be appointed at any time by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 3 – Public Relations Manager: A member may be appointed by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee to increase public awareness by keeping the RBA website, social media, public calendars updated, manage advertisements such as fliers, posters and business cards, manage advertisement in newspapers and magazines, as well as speak on behalf of the RBA to the public as needed. This position will be held for two years or until the Public Relations resigns, steps down from the Board of Directors or gives up membership in the RBA.  A new Public Relations Manager, if necessary may be appointed at any time by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 4- Education Officer: A member may be appointed by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee to arrange, schedule and coordinate opportunities to educate the public about honey bees and the beekeeping industry. Such forums may include, but not limited to schools (both public and private), county fairs or classes offered by the RBA. This position will be held for two years or until the Public Relations Manager resigns, steps down from the Board of Directors or gives up membership in the RBA. A new Public Relations Manager, if necessary, may be appointed at any time by the Executive Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE 9 – Select Committees

SECTION 1 – The Auditing Committee: The Auditing Committee shall consist of the three members selected by the Executive Committee whose duty shall be to examine and audit the book of the Treasurer and report their findings and recommendations at the January meeting, upon resignation or at the end of the term. The Auditing Committee is not designed to be a permanent committee of the RBA.

SECTION 2 – The Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members selected by the Executive Committee whose duty shall be to nominate officers, obtain permission of nominees, and present the slate of officers for the November meeting. Other names may be submitted from the membership at large at the time of election of officers. The Nominating Committee is not designed to be a permanent committee of the RBA.

SECTION 4 – Special Committees: Special Committees may be selected by the Executive Committee. A Special Committee shall consist of at least three members whose duty shall be to serve as directed by the Executive Committee. A Special Committee is not designed to be a permanent committee of the RBA.

ARTICLE 10 – Quorum

Twenty percent (20%) of active members shall constitute a quorum for the election of officers and the transaction of business at any regular meeting. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee. A majority vote of said quorums shall be required in both instances.

ARTICLE 11- Amendments

Any article or any section of any article of the Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present and providing proposed amendments have been presented to the Executive Committee for their recommendation, and have been presented in writing to the entire membership at least 30 days before the vote at a regular monthly meeting.

ARTICLE 12 – Dissolution

The Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association can be dissolved with a two-thirds (2/3) vote from a quorum. Should the RBA disband, its assets shall be distributed only to another established Beekeeping Association located within the state of Tennessee.

ARTICLE 13 – Repeal Clause

This Constitution and Bylaws was read and adopted by the Executive Committee of the Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association on October 18, 2016. This Constitution and Bylaws supersedes all previous Constitutions and Bylaws of the Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association.