About the RBA
Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association was founded in 2014 after the Northwest Tennessee Beekeeper’s Association expressed an interest in providing a location local to Beekeepers of Dyer County, TN, eastern Obion County, TN and Lake County, TN.
In summary, the Reelfoot Beekeeper’s Association exists to raise awareness of Beekeeping to the people of Reelfoot Lake area. It is a great starting point for “NewBees” as well as a great place for the well seasoned Beekeepers to share their wealth of knowledge as means of keeping the art of Beekeeping alive.
Each meeting will include one or more beekeeping topics for discussion and even hands on experience. Each year we will include at least one Field Day for an opportunity to work with live bees. We will also include a “Bee Day” that gives the public a chance to be educated on the different aspects of beekeeping.
Everyone of every age and level of experience is invited to join us!