HELP with
Honey Bees

Are Honey Bees a Problem?

This is the quickest way to get help with emergencies and situations involving Honey Bees.

We have compiled a list of RBA Members with experience in HONEY BEE REMOVAL, which may include Swarm Collection, Cut-Outs (removal of bees from structures) or Trap-Outs (removal of bees from inaccessible places).

Honey Bee Help

Dyer County
Paul Moore 731-676-2127
Billy Beegle 731-589-3199
Chuck Burton 731- 882-2591
David Scott 731-377-0728
Greg Woods 731-614-9169
Walter Wilkerson 731-334-2069
Lake County
Paul Moore 731-676-2127
Fred Wortman 731-225-1276
Greg Woods 731-614-9169


Obion County
Paul Moore 731-676-2127
Dwayne Tarkington 731-884-4350 or 731-885-9618
Jim Leeke  731-885-4832
Greg Woods 731-614-9169


County Extension Offices

Dyer County Extension Office      731-286-7821
Lake County Extension Office      731-253-6528
Obion County Extension Office   731-885-3742

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Do About Unwanted Honey Bees?

Should I spray the bees with insecticide?

Our answer is absolutely not!  Though you may kill some of the Honey Bees, you won’t kill them all.  There can be as any as 60,000 honey bees in a single colony and depending on the weather and time of the day, they won’t all be present in the hive at the same time.  Therefore, you will most likely be stung multiple times because of your aggression toward the colony.

Should I try to smoke out the Honey Bees?

Smoke will not remove the Honey Bees.  This will cause the majority of them to gorge their honey, while the others look for the source of the problem, YOU!

What if Honey Bees are entering the interior of my home?

When Honey Bees enter your home, usually their first response in to leave.  They often mistake bright light as the exit, therefore they may fly to a window hoping to flee.  opening the window is helpful unless it is near the source of the bees entry point.  For the most part, Honey Bees are not aggressive unless you are near their hive or you harm them.

Can I lore Honey Bees away from an area using Honey?

Sorry, but no.  Honey Bees will welcome your offering, but only to transport it back to the hive.